
Kelly’s VBAC Hypnobirthing Story

Kelly’s VBAC Hypnobirthing Story “I went for a consultant appointment on my due date and had a stretch and sweep. At that point I was told my cervix was high and completely closed. My induction was booked for 2 weeks time. I came away from that appointment feeling very despondent and disheartened. Two days later…
Hypnotherapy in Pregnancy

The power of endorphins

Today we are going to talk about how to feel a little happier every day, or to put it another way, how we can reduce our feelings of anxiety or low mood at the moment. We are now into our 8th week of lock down and I am sure for many the novelty is well…

Did you achieve your perfect birth?

Yes? No? Well actually it’s a bit of a trick question! Still it is one that is asked on a daily basis when we talk to women about their births. Can you spot the problem with this question? You cannot achieve or not achieve birth, you can simply arm yourself with the knowledge and skills…

The low down on Hypno-fertility

The more you ‘try’ to conceive, the more anxious and stressed you become. Time slows down and each cycle feels ten times longer than before.  The possibility of conceiving consumes your thoughts and you struggle to focus on everyday living. Suddenly you see pregnant women everywhere that you go and you may catch yourself daydreaming…

Run a marathon? Give me childbirth any day!

There are many similarities between running a marathon and labour. As Leonie Darch from Happy Healthy Babies approaches race day she compares the two and explains how hypnobirthing might just be her hidden weapon to conquer 26.2 miles! On April 22nd 2018 I will be running the London Marathon in aid of the NSPCC.  Even…

Pregnant Again? How to avoid the 2nd pregnancy woes.

You’ve found out that you are pregnant again! After the joy and excitement of such lovely news it dawns on you that pregnancy 2nd time around is not quite the exciting journey of discovery that you remember from your first experience. Pregnancy with a toddler or pre-schooler is full-on! Whereas once you would have taken a…

HypnoBirthing – Forget hippy nonsense, this is total common sense!

There are many different views on what hypnobirthing is about so I hope that this may help to shed some light on the real reason hypnobirthing has helped thousands of couples across the world achieve a positive birth experience. Let’s start with what it is not. It is not meditation, it is not just for…

Taking the ‘hip’ out of hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has had many stereotypes over the years but gone are the days that it was considered ‘hip’ or even entertaining. Hypnotherapy is classified as a ‘CAM’ therapy (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) and is a recognised treatment to work alongside and instead of traditional routes of medicine. But how does it work? Our minds are…